
This blog serves to expose the inside of the Medical Protection Society in a way that will surprise the reader. After all what is the MPS? It is said to be a discretionary mutually beneficial society created to help doctors facing disciplinary problems. It boasts of the fact that there will always be a medical advisor on hand to support you and look after your best interests. But is that what really happens and whose interests are they really looking after doctor? Is it really yours? Well it probably is if you are a consultant or a GP principle. If however you are neither of these then it may not be your best interests they are looking after but in fact someone elses best interests including their own and including your regulator's interests. In fact it is likely that they will be acting with a conflict of interests, whilst hoping that you the doctor will not twig there is anything wrong and if you do they will smooth it over with their emollient words, assuring you that all is OK. Can you really be sure? You cannot. This blog will tell the tale of this organisation and what lies in it's archives. It will tell a story of cover up. This is it as never before.

Tuesday, 10 April 2007

Dr John Bradley poaches a "patient" by default

Dr John Bradley as a senior doctor and chairman of the MPS Council ought to have known the rules when he accepted a referral of the doctor from David Nelson. The rules are clear. Neither of them had any standing to either refer the doctor for a psychiatric examination or any examination for that matter, or to receive the referral. This is because the doctor was registered as a patient with her own GP who knew nothing of this, and was not and never had been registered with David Nelson who was not in active practise and had no rights of referral. Under the circumstances Dr Bradley would have known this and he therefore knew he had no right of acceptance. Moreover he knew that the doctor had been tricked into meeting him, ostensibly for a meeting at the MPS office in Hallam Street, when he wrote on Whittington Hospital notepaper thanking Dr Nelson for referring this doctor to him for a psychiatric examination although she appreciated that she was coming to see him for a chat. He found nothing wrong, so the doctor now finds out, but he noted she had been having a long relationship with a married doctor and he, John Bradley, on first meeting the doctor also noted that in his opinion she was a hearty individual and therefore thought she had probably chosen the wrong career. As he wrote all this down on Whittington Hospital notepaper, including the fact that she did not want to plead "sick doctor", one of the ploys often used by the MPS with the GMC, it went all over the place in the MPS unbeknown to the doctor, and influencing others. For all she knows she has a Psychiatric File on her in whatever hospital took over the Whittington patients. She said, "It's disgraceful to hoodwink me in this way and for Nelson to refer me, when he had no rights, into seeing someone under false pretences. Dr Bradley had no right to be party to this or to accept me for any examination. They should both be reported to the GMC for their unethical behaviour and because they refuse to reply or tell me whether there is a record on me in some NHS psychiatric establishment in London. This is highly unethical, and I now see that Dr Bradley also does work as a GMC assessor, so he's still practising knowing what he did while refusing to explain his actions to me. How much worse can it get when the GMC are trying to polish up its image. The GMC don't know about this. I've tried to get answers but Priya Singh hid it all for weeks and this was part of the complaint which they finally shot out to solicitors to handle." The Emigrant suggests that doctors should be very wary of the MPS, their doctors and suggestions of seeing psychiatrists when there is no indication. If you are not careful you might end up sectioned without a hope in hell of getting out, especially, if like this doctor you have no family here to look out for you interests. It's all very dangerous and sinister.

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