
This blog serves to expose the inside of the Medical Protection Society in a way that will surprise the reader. After all what is the MPS? It is said to be a discretionary mutually beneficial society created to help doctors facing disciplinary problems. It boasts of the fact that there will always be a medical advisor on hand to support you and look after your best interests. But is that what really happens and whose interests are they really looking after doctor? Is it really yours? Well it probably is if you are a consultant or a GP principle. If however you are neither of these then it may not be your best interests they are looking after but in fact someone elses best interests including their own and including your regulator's interests. In fact it is likely that they will be acting with a conflict of interests, whilst hoping that you the doctor will not twig there is anything wrong and if you do they will smooth it over with their emollient words, assuring you that all is OK. Can you really be sure? You cannot. This blog will tell the tale of this organisation and what lies in it's archives. It will tell a story of cover up. This is it as never before.

Tuesday, 10 April 2007

Dr David Nelson pulls a fast one

A doctor told me about Dr David Nelson. She said they think because he has retired from his position as an advisor that no one will be interested but they should because fundamentally nothing has changed in the MPS since his day. Apparently he was the doctor from the Leeds Office who was charged with looking after doctors' welfare who worked in the North. She said that when she was suspended by her employing authority wrongly and without warning, and when her own consultant was off sick with his recurring manic depression, both the BMA and the MPS took up the case on her behalf and took issue with the arbitrary suspension and the complete disregard for the rules governing suspensions and the breach of her contract. They were mindful that the doctor's professional reputation should be defended though ultimately they failed abysmally in this. The MPS brought in their solicitors Le Brasseur who had no doubt that the suspension was unlawful and arbitrary and ultimately the solicitors issued a writ against the Authority in the High Court in London. After some months and completely without warning Dr Nelson wrote a bizarre letter to the doctor requiring her to undergo a psychiatric examination with the chaiman of the MPS council Dr John Bradley, a consultant psychiatrist, to reassure him that continuing the action against the authority was the right thing to do. The matter was forced through by Dr Nelson who wrote to John Bradley to remind him that he had suggested it. John Bradley could not remember but agreed that he must have, and said that he "would probably live to regret it" having agreed it. However Le Brasseur's solicitor took issue with Dr Nelson in writing and indicated that he had been less that open when he told the council that the doctor had agreed when in fact the solicitor knew that the doctor remained unaware. The solicitor added that there was no indication for this action at all, as proceedings were under way and there was no doubt that the doctor had been gravely wronged and was not mentally ill. Each time the solicitor wrote to Dr Nelson about her disquiet over this he fobbed her off and was evasive. Eventually the doctor received a letter from the Whittington Psychiatric Hospital in London to attend on Dr Bradley for an outpatient appointment. Naturally outraged the doctor, who lived no where near London, refused to go and so the idea was dropped for nine months, only to be reactivated again immediately after the death of her father. She again refused to go but after some weeks David Nelson suggested and persuaded her that John Bradley would just like to meet her at the offices of the MPS in Hallam Street. The doctor said " I naively went along to this meeting and now I find out what it was really about. It just goes to show what a devious person David Nelson was, and as I was to find out to my surprise when in 2004 when I finally retrieved my MPS files from them after some difficulties and discovered what they were really doing. I now realise that David Nelson was also in league and acting on behalf of the District Medical Officer who had so arbitrarily and wrongly suspended me". The Emigrant asks all doctors to be aware of the way in which the MPS can appear to be doing one thing supposedly in your interests and yet be doing another in someone elses interests. Doctors are easily fooled into trusting advisors who smile and appear benevolent and solicitous when a doctor is in a hole. But can you really trust them? Are they really looking after your best interests doctor?

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