
This blog serves to expose the inside of the Medical Protection Society in a way that will surprise the reader. After all what is the MPS? It is said to be a discretionary mutually beneficial society created to help doctors facing disciplinary problems. It boasts of the fact that there will always be a medical advisor on hand to support you and look after your best interests. But is that what really happens and whose interests are they really looking after doctor? Is it really yours? Well it probably is if you are a consultant or a GP principle. If however you are neither of these then it may not be your best interests they are looking after but in fact someone elses best interests including their own and including your regulator's interests. In fact it is likely that they will be acting with a conflict of interests, whilst hoping that you the doctor will not twig there is anything wrong and if you do they will smooth it over with their emollient words, assuring you that all is OK. Can you really be sure? You cannot. This blog will tell the tale of this organisation and what lies in it's archives. It will tell a story of cover up. This is it as never before.

Tuesday, 17 April 2007

Dr Gerard Panting, Robert Summerling and "Life's Loser"

I was concerned about whether there had ever been any resolution of this particular issue for the doctor and telephoned her for details. She told me there had not as yet but for several years it rumbled on and by this time Dr Gerard Panting in London had taken the whole matter up because he seemed far more energetic and helpful than Dr Nelson who failed badly in his duty of care to her. She said that it was not easy to believe they had failed her at the time because they were good at either dumping you completely and then taking it all up again as if it would be OK, but in retrospect it was always a bit of a "con" on their part. Eventually because she kept raising the issue she met with Robert Summerling who wrote a long note about it in which he stated that Gray had overstepped the mark and had prejudged the outcome and was acting far outside his remit and had compromised the whole case. Following this Dr Panting, Robert Summerling and the doctor had a meeting with Charles Gray QC, who expressed disquiet and told them that it was down to the senior medical profession to put this right properly. Following this the doctor now discovers Dr Panting complained to Charles Gray's clerk about the cost of the conference and said that he should be aware that they had put a lot of expensive work his way in the past and they objected to his present fee. There was a follow up meeting between Dr Panting, Summerling and the doctor who expected something to be done following Charles Gray's assertions about the senior doctors doing something about this. Summerling and the doctor left the MPS building after the meeting and to the doctor's shock Robert Summerling stood on the pavement and said to the doctor, "You are what I call one of life's losers" after which he walked off. I asked the doctor what she really thought and she said, "I thought it just goes to show the disdain with which the MPS and the solicitor's treat the junior doctor and for what it's worth I think it's just bloody rudeness. Who do Le Brasseur think they are? I have heard similar things from other doctors but it is something I have never forgotten and neither will they." The Emigrant believes that Le Brasseur who now call themselves RadcliffeLeBrasseur are to big for their boots and doctors should decline to be represented by them.

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