
This blog serves to expose the inside of the Medical Protection Society in a way that will surprise the reader. After all what is the MPS? It is said to be a discretionary mutually beneficial society created to help doctors facing disciplinary problems. It boasts of the fact that there will always be a medical advisor on hand to support you and look after your best interests. But is that what really happens and whose interests are they really looking after doctor? Is it really yours? Well it probably is if you are a consultant or a GP principle. If however you are neither of these then it may not be your best interests they are looking after but in fact someone elses best interests including their own and including your regulator's interests. In fact it is likely that they will be acting with a conflict of interests, whilst hoping that you the doctor will not twig there is anything wrong and if you do they will smooth it over with their emollient words, assuring you that all is OK. Can you really be sure? You cannot. This blog will tell the tale of this organisation and what lies in it's archives. It will tell a story of cover up. This is it as never before.

Friday 19 October 2007

Is Dr Dudley fit for purpose?

I have spoken to a number of doctors about the way in which their cases have been handled by Dr Mark Dudley. What shines through each story is the mix of incompetence and deceipt and complete lack of will to do anything to represent a certain faction of doctors who are MPS members one way or another. Let us reflect of Tushar Bhadra, an Indian surgeon who has been accidentally erased from the register because the GMC did not realise that becuse of his age he no longer had to pay his fees and so they deleted his name from the register last year and now say they cannot find a mechanism on their computer to reverse it. Dr Dudley does little to help Dr Bhadra but has tied him up with Christina Lambert, a barrister, who is being very difficult over the issue of the judicial review promised within time. With anything Dr Dudley touches it's promises and piecrusts, soon broken. Dr Bhadra is waiting to be restored to the register still. Is Dr Dudley really in the pocket of the GMC- it looks as if he is after all Dr Bhadra is at this moment fighting the GMC in an Employment Tribunal which the MPS should be funding but are refusing to. Or is this just favouratism and a hint of superiority and racism on his part after all he went to the ends of the earth in supporting Dr Andrew Wakefield, the white charismatic conman in his failed attempt to use a claim form issued by Radcliffes Le Brasseur in the High Court in order to threaten people of little importance in order to shut them up and prevent the truth about Wakefield and his MMR and Legal Aid scam ever coming out. Thankfully Mr Justice Eady saw sense and exposed the claim form for what it was, no more than a device to threaten and intimidate others with. Dr Dudley has been called to the Bar and I wonder what the Bar Council would think about his deceipt if it ever reached their ears? Then the bigger deceipt when Dr Dudley failed to tell a Dr Colman of her entitlement to representation. I saw this doctor just before I flew out home and wished her well. The story of Dr Colman is a dreadful one and the MPS should be ashamed of themselves to leave doctors like Dr Colman and Dr Bhadra in limbo whilst spending several million on pulling out all stops to defend the indefensible MMR scandal of Dr Wakefield and his disreputable research and then expect the infamous Richard Barr, the solicitor central to all this to give a convincing story to get him aquitted. It is well known that Barr and Wakefield have creamed off several millions of legal aid in order to support a fake theory. So is Dr Dudley the supporter of all this bogus fakery and threats to small fry like the Cambridge Evening News really fit for purpose- perhaps not as he was missing for several weeks recently and had condoned the bogus actions being taken by Wakefield. Deception is the word to remember fellow doctors. Do not join the Medical Deception Society but join the MDDUS, and avoid Radcliffes Le Brasseur as well.

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