
This blog serves to expose the inside of the Medical Protection Society in a way that will surprise the reader. After all what is the MPS? It is said to be a discretionary mutually beneficial society created to help doctors facing disciplinary problems. It boasts of the fact that there will always be a medical advisor on hand to support you and look after your best interests. But is that what really happens and whose interests are they really looking after doctor? Is it really yours? Well it probably is if you are a consultant or a GP principle. If however you are neither of these then it may not be your best interests they are looking after but in fact someone elses best interests including their own and including your regulator's interests. In fact it is likely that they will be acting with a conflict of interests, whilst hoping that you the doctor will not twig there is anything wrong and if you do they will smooth it over with their emollient words, assuring you that all is OK. Can you really be sure? You cannot. This blog will tell the tale of this organisation and what lies in it's archives. It will tell a story of cover up. This is it as never before.

Wednesday, 10 September 2008

Dr Rita Pal and the Medical Protection Society

The Medical Protection Society originally was supposed to represent Dr Pal in the Ward 87 incidents, see They comprehensively let her down. That was the fault of Stephanie Bown. Stephanie Bown was sued sucessfully in the case of Sadek.

We all know what became of Dr Rita Pal. She was proved right in the Ward 87 massacre and more recently the snivelling Medical Protection Society in the form of Priya Singh has cuddled up to Dr Pal and sent her off to Berryman Lace Mawer.We say this though, if the bald man is on this case he will drop the ball if he has not already. Dropping the ball on behalf of Priya Singh is the norm with these cases where a doctor is likely to be proved right as Dr Pal has been.

What are the MPS going to do about Dr Pal, another doctor they didn't represent properly. Dr Pal speaks impeccable english as she was educated in the UK, so it cannot have been her accent which grated on their ears. Was it the colour of her skin or was it because they knew she was right but had to protect Professor Elisabeth Paice, an "important MPS member" who true to form did nothing useful for Dr Pal either. Dr Pal was Professor Paice's responsibility. She didn't listen as Dr Pal was so junior Paice took the line of least responsibility and recommended Dr Pal have counselling in spite of the dead patients and general neglect on Ward 87.

The emigrant community out here in the sun tell you the Medical Protection Society to admit in Dr Pal's case you are wrong. Young doctors beware of Paice she does not have your interests at heart.

Medical Protection Society, Mark Dudley Is Missing

Mark Dudley was the Head of Medical Services in London until last year. Supposedly he is still the Head of Medical Services but he has been missing from the London Office for over a year now. Where is this man we ask? Is he sick or is he on gardening leave? If it's gardening leave then he could have refashioned the whole of Kew Gardens by now.

Alison Metcalfe is sitting in his seat. She is Acting Head of Medical Services. If you remember she was the person who cocked up on the Bhadra case which necessitated moving him to Leeds amongst other things.

Returning to Mark Dudley- what has he done? Well a couple of years ago he wasted over £1,000,000 of the MPS money on what can only be called a bogus defamation claim on behalf of Andrew Wakefield against Brian Deer and Chanel 4. It was so bad that it comprehensively failed and the MPS was the laughing stock of the defence bodies all courtesy of the Head of Legal Services in London i.e. Mark Dudley.

Wakefield was coming up at the GMC and apparently the rather questionable and somewhat secretive and possibly dishonest Richard Barr, the solicitor of MMR (the lost cause) fame, was involved with all this. A former client of his from the Organo-Phosphate action, (another Barr failure), reliably informs the emigrant circle that Richard Barr has five rulings against him by the Law Society. Richard Barr was supposed to give evidence for Wakefield at the GMC- no doubt all orchestrated and countenanced by Mark Dudley who suddenly disappeared as if in a puff of smoke, from the MPS at the outset of the hearing. Was he pushed or did he succumb from the heat. Is Mark Dudley a fit and proper person to hold your medical career in his hands? We of the emigrant community think not.

Medical Protection Society - Boycott It Now - One

There are good reasons why all doctors should boycott the Medical Protection Society.

Junior doctors and overseas doctors should avoid it at all costs. There are a number of cases over the years in which the MPS has badly let down certain doctors.

There is Tushar Bhadra for instance. This doctor expected they would protect his reputation and preserve his right to work. They did nothing of the sort and when Bhadra would not give up they wheeled Mrs Bhadra into see the oleacous then Chief Executive, John Hickey. John Hickey tried to persuade Mrs Bhadra to get her husband to give up his cause.

Bhadra has since fought them constantly. He won a sanction and compensation from the Law Society against their solicitors, the very underhanded and puffed up RadcliffesLeBrasseur with Ralph Shipway. Alison Metcalfe was so inept at representing Bhadra he was moved onto the Leeds Office to be represented by Dr Barclay instead.

He was also moved onto Berryman Lace Mawer for them to represent him. A bad move for there he encountered Julliette Mellman-Jones, originally with RadcliffesLeBrasseur, who issued a judicial review to have Bhadra reinstated on the medical register. Guess what? Yes the GMC had managed to tip him off their computer and erase him accidentally whilst claiming there was no button on their computer which could restore him. If you would believe that you would believe anything. However Mellman-Jones managed to issue the judicial review after the three months deadline and although the judge essentially said that Bhadra should be restored to the register he also said the JR failed because it was issued out of time.

What the MPS should do after all of this time is pay off Bhadra for their machinations. It comes down to this, the MPS was a racist organisation in the past and looked down their noses at Indian doctors. Whether or not this is true is open to speculation, but Bhadra is being given no real help. They are playing games with him. No doubt when his name is raised in the MPS there is the usual exchange of laughter and knowing glances each time the Bhadra factor arises. We of the emigrant community living outside the UK tell you the MPS to compensate Bhadra now for all your failings towards him and admit you just would not treat a white consultant like that.